Prof. P. Anbazhagan, Department of Civil Engineering, IISc Bangalore
List of Publications
- Ayush Kumar and P Anbazhagan, (2025)"Seismic site characterisation of shallow bedrock sites in peninsular India using multiple geophysical methods" Acta Geotechnica, -Online, DOI:
- Anbazhagan P and Sauvik Halder (2024)"A Novel Algorithm for Identifying Arrival Times of P and S Waves in Seismic Borehole Surveys" Computers & Geosciences. 194, 105746, DOI:
- Kunjari Mog and Anbazhagan P (2024)"Liquefaction Susceptibility and Re-Liquefaction Potential of the liquefied soil site caused due to Mw 5.7 Tripura earthquake" Sadhana 49, 290.
- Anbazhagan P, and H Thakur(2024)"Intensity Prediction Equations for Himalaya and its sub-regions based on data from traditional sources and USGS's Did You Feel It? (DYFI)" Journal of Seismology, 28:707-734.DoI:
- Anbazhagan P and K Panjami (2024)"A Study on the Effectiveness of Various Geophysical Methods in Detecting Naturally Formed Cavities in Lateritic Deposit" Indian Geotechnical Journal. 54, 1254-1270, DoI :
- Anbazhagan P, H Thakur, K Panjami, Malashree and V Logu (2023)"Unknown Urban Cavities - Formation, Problem & Possible Mapping" Current Science, Vol 125 (11); 1180-1189.doi: 10.18520/cs/v125/i11/1180-1189
- Dhanaji Chavan, Sitharam T.G. and P. Anbazhagan (2023)"Liquefaction Resistance of Saturated and Partly Saturated Clean Sand Under Scenario Earthquakes: Numerical Investigations" Sadhana, 48: 97 DoI:
- Anbazhagan P and Kunal Motwani (2023)"Ground motion duration predictive models applicable for the Himalayan region" Journal of Earth System Science, 132:112, Doi:
- Kunjari Mog and Anbazhagan P, (2023)"An inexpensive novel Foldscopic approach for quantitative evaluation of particle shapes" Current Science,VOL. 124, NO. 4, P 457-466.doi:10.18520/cs/v124/i4/457-466
- Ketan Bajaj, and P. Anbazhagan (2023)"Effective input velocity and depth for deep and shallow Sites for Site Response Analysis" Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal,18(3), 193-207, DoI:
- Anbazhagan P, Ayush Kumar, M.E. Yadhunandan, Siriwanth K, Suryanarayana K, Sahodar G (2022)"Effective Use of SPT: Hammer Energy Measurement and Integrated Subsurface Investigation" Indian Geotechnical Journal,52(5):1079-1096. DoI:
- Anbazhagan P., Yadhunandan M E and Ayush Kumar (2022)"Effects of Hammer Energy on Borehole Termination and SBC calculation through site-specific Hammer energy measurement using SPT HEMA" Indian Geotechnical Journal,Vol.52, 381-399 DoI:
- Dhanaji Chavan, Thallak G Sitharam, P Anbazhagan (2022)"Site response analysis of liquefiable soil employing continuous wavelet transform" Geotechnique Letters, 12:1, 1-11. DoI:
- Dhanaji Chavan, Sitharam T.G. and P. Anbazhagan (2022)"Failure modes of air desaturated sand in undrained cyclic loading: A systematic experimental investigation" Indian Geotechnical Journal,52(2):249-269,DoI:
- Dhanaji Chavan, Sitharam T.G. and P. Anbazhagan (2022)"Liquefaction Resistance and Cyclic Response of Air Injected- Desaturated Sandy Soil" Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,40:1851-1872,DoI:
- Kunjari Mog and P Anbazhagan (2022)"Evaluation of the damping ratio of soils in a resonant column using different methods" Soils and Foundations,62(1), 101091. DoI:
- Ketan Bajaj, and P. Anbazhagan (2022)"Site amplification factors and acceleration response spectra for shallow bedrock sites - Application to Southern India" Journal of Earthquake Engineering. Vol. 26, No. 4, 2103-2123, DoI:
- Anbazhagan, P., Kumar, A., Ingle, S.G., Jha, S.K., Lenin, K.R. (2021)"Shear Modulus from SPT N-value with different Energy Values" Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,150, 106925, DoI:
- Ketan Bajaj and P Anbazhagan (2021)"Detailed seismic hazard, disaggregation and sensitivity analysis for Indo Gangetic basin" Pure and Applied Geophysics,178 (2021), 1977-1999. DoI:
- Marco Bittelli1, Fausto Tomei, Anbazhagan P,, Raghuveer Rao Pi, Puskar Mahajan, Claudia Meisina, Massimiliano Bordoni and Roberto Valentino (2021)"Measurement of Soil Bulk Density and Water Content with Time Domain Reflectometry: Algorithm Implementation and Method Analysis" Journal of Hydrology,DoI:
- Anbazhagan P., Mohammad Rafiq Joo, Meer Mehran Rashid and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2021)"Prediction of different depth amplifications of deep soil sites for potential scenario earthquakes" Natural Hazards 107:1935-1963.DOI:
- Manohar D R and P Anbazhagan (2021). "Shear Strength Characteristics of Geosynthetic Reinforced Rubber-Sand Mixtures" Geotextiles and Geomembranes,49, 910-92, DOI:
- Anbazhagan P and Sagar G I (2021). "Status quo of Standard Penetration Test in India: A Review of Field Practices and Suggestions to Incorporate in IS 2131"Indian Geotechnical Journal, 51(2):421-434,DoI:
- Ketan Bajaj and P Anbazhagan (2021). "Identification of Shear Modulus Reduction and Damping Curve for Deep and Shallow Sites: Kik-Net Data" Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 25(13), 2668-2696. DoI:
- Savita S. J., Anbazhagan P and Andhe Pallavi(2020). "Implementation of Wavelet Algorithm to Detect Underground Targets Using GPR" International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(11s), 1299 - 1304:
- Deepu Chandran, and P Anbazhagan (2020). "2D nonlinear site response analysis of typical stiff and soft soil sites at shallow bedrock region with low to medium seismicity" Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol.179, AR: 104087, DoI:
- Anbazhagan P., Marco Bittelli;, Rao Raghuveer P and Puskar Mahajan (2020). "Comparison of Soil Water Content Estimation Equations using Ground Penetrating Radar" Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 588, AR:125039, DoI:
- Anbazhagan P and G Silas Abraham(2020). "Region Specific Seismic Hazard Analysis of Krishna Raja Sagara Dam, India" Engineering Geology, Vol. 268, AR: 104087, DoI:
- Deepu Chandran, and P Anbazhagan (2020). "2D nonlinear site response analysis of shallow bedrock sites using integrated subsurface profiles" Annals of Geophysics. Vol 63(4), S63-SE438,doi:10.4401/ag-8326
- Aditya P and P. Anbazhagan (2020). "Site Response Study and Amplification Factor for Shallow Bedrock Sites" Indian Geotechnical Journal, 50(5): 726-738:
- Anbazhagan P and Ketan Bajaj (2020). "Region specific correlations between V_S30 and time-averaged V_S and SPT-N values at different depths for the Indo Gangetic Basin" Indian Geotechnical Journal, 50(3):454-472. DoI.
- Anbazhagan, P., Janarthan, B., and Shaivan, H. S. (2019). "Empirical correlation between sediment thickness and resonant frequency using HVSR for the Indo-Gangetic Plain" Current Science, Vol. 117(9), 1182-1491. DoI:
- Ketan Bajaj and P Anbazhagan (2019). "Comprehensive Amplification Estimation of the Indo Gangetic Basin Deep Soil Sites in the Seismically Active Area"Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,127 (2019) 105855. DoI:
- Anbazhagan P. Ketan Bajaj, Karanpreet Matharu Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N., Al-Arifi (2019). "Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis using logic tree approach - Patna District (India)" Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2097-2115. DoI:
- Ketan Bajaj and P Anbazhagan (2019). "Regional seismological model parameter estimation and development of GMPE model for the active region of Himalaya" Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 126 (2019) 105825.:
- Anbazhagan P, Kunjari Mog, Nanjunda Rao K S, Siddharth Prabhu N, Ayush Agarwal, G. R. Reddy, Sima Ghosh, Malay Kr. Deb, Saurabh Baruah, Sarat Kr. Das (2019). "Reconnaissance report on geotechnical effects and structural damage caused by the 3rd January 2017, Tripura earthquake, India" Natural Hazards, Vol. 98:425-450. Doc:
- Savita S.J., P. Anbazhagan, Andhe Pallavi(2019)"GPR Preprocessing Methods to Identify Possible Cavities in Lateritic Soil" International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 7(13), 38-43.
- Ketan Bajaj and P Anbazhagan (2019). "Regional stochastic ground-motion model for low to moderate seismicity area with variable seismotectonic: application to Peninsular India" Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,Vol.17 (7), pp 3661-3680. Doc:
- Anbazhagan P and Balakumar A (2019). "Seismic Magnitude Conversion and its Effect on Seismic Hazard Analysis", Journal of Seismology- 23(4), 623-647.
- Ketan Bajaj and P Anbazhagan (2019). "Seismic site classification and correlation between Vs and SPT-N for deep soil sites in Indo-Gangetic Basin" Journal of Applied Geophysics, 163, 55-72. DOI:
- Anbazhagan P., Srilakshmi KN, Ketan Bajaj, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2019). "Determination of Seismic site classification of seismic recording stations in the Himalayan region using HVSR method" Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 116 304-316. DOI.
- Kumar Shiv Shankar, Murali Krishna A. and Anbazhagan P. (2018). "Study on the Variations of Ground Motion Parameters with Distance for MW 6.9 Sikkim 2011 Earthquake" ISET Journal of earthquake Technology, Paper No. 540, Vol. 55 (1-4), pp. 33-46.
- Anbazhagan P, Arun Kumar K, Reddy G.R, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2018). "Seismic Site Classification and Amplification of Shallow bedrock sites", Plos One, 13(12): e0208226. DOI.
- Mog K., and Anbazhagan P. (2018). "Dynamic Properties of Surface Liquefied Site Silty-Sand of Tripura, India", In: Choudhury D., El-Zahaby K., Idriss I. (eds) Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction for Sustainable Infrastructures. GeoMEast 2018. Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Springer, Cham
- Anbazhagan P., Divyesh R, Athul Prabhakaran and Vidyaranya B (2018). "Identification of Karstic Features in Lateritic Soil by an Integrated Geophysical Approach", Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175 (12), 4515-4536.
- Ketan Bajaj and Anbazhagan P (2018). "Determination of GMPE functional form for an active region with limited strong motion data: Application to the Himalayan region", Journal of Seismology, 22(1):161-185; DOI:
- Anbazhagan P, Athul Prabhakaran, Madhura H, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2017). "Selection of Representative Shear Modulus Reduction and Damping Curves for Rock, Gravel and Sand sites from the KiK-Net downhole array", Natural Hazards; 88 (3), 1741-1746; DOI: 10.1007/s11069-017-2944-x.
- Sudhakar Rao., G. B. Deepak P. Raghuveer Rao P. Anbazhagan (2017). "Influence of physico-chemical components on the consolidation behavior of soft kaolinites", Acta Geotechnica, 12:441-451, DOI:10.1007/s11440-016-0478-0
- Chandran, D and P Anbazhagan (2017). "Subsurface profiling using integrated geophysical methods for 2-D site response analysis at Bangalore City-India: a new approach", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 14, 1300 - 1314.
- Anbazhagan P, Manohar D.R. and Divyesh R (2017). "Influence of size of granulated rubber and tyre chips on the shear strength characteristics of sand-rubber mix", Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal, Vol. 12, (4), 266-278, Doi:
- Anbazhagan P. M. Neaz Sheikh., Ketan Bajaj P., J. Mariya Dayana., H. Madhura and G. R. Reddy, (2017). "Empirical models for the prediction of ground motion duration for intraplate earthquakes", Journal of Seismology DOI:10.1007/s10950-017-9648-2 Vol.21 (4), 1001-1021.
- Anbazhagan P., Ramyasri S, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2017). "Intensity based building damage level prediction model from past Earthquakes for risk assessment", Disaster Advances (Vol 10(3), 1-15.
- Anbazhagan P, Divyesh Rohit , Madhura H,(2017). "Integrated geophysical subsurface investigation for effective completion of the sewage pipeline project in the shallow bedrock region", Consulting Ahead, Vol. 11(1), 55-67.
- Anbazhagan P Anjali Uday, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2017). "Soil Void Ratio Correlation with Shear Wave Velocities and SPT N Values for Indo-Gangetic Basin", Journal of the Geological Society of India, Vol. 89 (4), 357-488.
- Anbazhagan P, Ketan Bajaj, Nairwita Dutta,Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2017). "Region specific deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of Kanpur city", Journal of Earth System Science, 126: 12. doi:10.1007/s12040-016-0779-6.
- Bhardwaj A, and Anbazhagan P (2016). "Effective Depth of Soil Column for Site Response Analysis of Deep Soil Sites", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9 (44) P-8. 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i44/105246.
- Anbazhagan P, Anjali Uday, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2016). "Pseudo-spectral Damping Reduction Factors for the Himalayan Region Considering Recorded Ground-Motion Data", Plos One 11(9): e0161137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161137
- Anbazhagan P, Ketan Bajaj, Reddy G.R, Phanikanth, V.S and Yadav D.N. (2016). "Quantitative assessment of Shear wave velocity correlations in the shallow bedrock sites", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.46(4), pp.381-397. DOI 10.1007/s40098-016-0181-y.
- Anbazhagan P, Manohar D.R, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2016). "Selection of Shear Modulus Correlation for SPT N-values based on Site Response Studies", Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 4 (3),pp. 167-191.
- Anbazhagan P Ketan Bajaj, Sayed S.R Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2016). "Relationship Between Intensity and Recorded Ground Motion and Spectral Parameters for the Himalayan Region", Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 1672-1689, doi: 10.1785/0120150342.
- Anbazhagan P, Sreenivas M, Ketan B Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2016). "Selection of Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Seismic Hazard Analysis of Peninsular India", Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.20 (5), 699-737; DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2015.1104747.
- Anbazhagan P, Anjali Uday, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2016). "Correlation of Densities with Shear Wave Velocities & SPT N Values", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 13, 320-341. doi:10.1088/1742-2132/13/3/320.
- Anbazhagan P., Naresh Dixit P.S. and Bharatha T.P (2016). "Identification of type and degree of railway ballast fouling using ground coupled GPR antennas", Journal of Applied Geophysics, 126, 183-190.doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.01.018.
- Anbazhagan P., Sivakumar Babu G.L., Lakshmikanthan P and Vivek Anand K.S (2016). "Seismic Characterization and Dynamic Site Response of A Municipal Solid Waste Landfill in Bangalore, India", Waste Management Research, 34 (3), 205-213 DOI:10.1177/0734242X15622814.
- Antony Ravindran A., N. C. Mondal, N. Ramanujam, K. Srinivasamoorthy, P. Anbazhagan (2016). "Appraisal of groundwater resource in Holocene soil deposits by resistivity, hydrochemical and granulomerial studies in the Gulf of Mannar Coast from Southern India", Environmental Earth Sciences. 75:166, DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4883-8.
- Anbazhagan P, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi (2015). "Seismic intensity map of South India for estimated future earthquakes", Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8:9365-9371 DOI 10.1007/s12517-015-1854-z
- Anbazhagan P. (2015). "Integrated Subsurface Investigation of the Misaligned Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall", Indian Geotechnical Journal, 45(3):332-340.DOI 10.1007/s40098-014-0135-1
- Anbazhagan P. and D. R. Manohar (2015). "Energy Absorption Capacity and Shear Strength Characteristics of Waste Tire Crumbs and Sand Mixtures", International Journal of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 6(1), 28-49.
- Anbazhagan P, Ketan Bajaj and Satyajit Patel (2015). "Seismic Hazard Maps and Spectrum for Patna Considering Region Specific Seismotectonic Parameters", Natural Hazards, 78(2),1163-1195. DOI 10.1007/s11069-015-1764-0
- Anbazhagan P, Ketan Bajaj, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S.N Al-Arifi (2015). "Maximum Magnitude Estimation Considering the Regional Rupture Character", Journal of Seismology, 19:695 -719. DOI 10.1007/s10950-015-9488-x
- Anbazhagan P, Manohar D.R, Sayed SR Moustafa and Nassir S. Al-Arifi (2015). "Effect of Shear Modulus Correlation on Site Response Study", Disaster Advances, Vol. (8)2, 16-30.
- Anbazhagan P, Prabhu Gajawada, Moustafa Sayed S. R, Nassir S.Arifi Al and Aditya P., (2014). "Provisions for Geotechnical Aspects and Soil Classification in Indian Seismic Design Code IS-1893", Disaster Advances, Vol. 7(3), 72-89.
- Anbazhagan P, Smitha C V and Abhishek Kumar (2014). "Representative Seismic Hazard Map of Coimbatore, India", Engineering Geology Vol.171, 81-95.
- Anbazhagan P., Abhishek Kumar, Sitharam T. G. (2013). "Ground motion prediction equation considering combined data set of recorded and simulated ground motions", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 53, 92-108.
- Abhishek Kumar, Anbazhagan P., Sitharam T. G. (2013). "Seismic Hazard Analysis of Lucknow Considering Local and Active Seismic Gaps", Natural Hazards, Vol. 69, 327-350
- Abhishek Kumar, Anbazhagan P. and Sitharam T. G. (2013). "Liquefaction Hazard Mapping of Lucknow: a part of Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB)", International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (IJGEE) Vol.4 (1), 17-41.
- Anbazhagan P (2013). "Method for Seismic Microzonation with Geotechnical Aspects", Disaster Advances, Vol.6 (4) ,66-86.
- Anbazhagan P, Neaz Sheikh M. and Aditya P (2013). "Influence of Rock Depth on Seismic Site Classification for Shallow Bedrock Regions", Natural Hazard Review ASCE 14(2), 108-121.
- Anbazhagan P, Smitha C V., Abhishek Kumar and Deepu Chandran (2013). "Estimation of Design Basis Earthquake using Region-Specific Mmax, for the NPP site at Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India", Nuclear Engineering and Design, 259 (2013) 41- 64
- Anbazhagan P, Abhishek Kumar and Sitharam T.G. (2013). "Seismic Site Classification and Correlation between Standard Penetration Test N value and Shear wave velocity for Lucknow city in Indo-Gangetic Basin", Pure and Applied Geophysics 170, 299-318.
- Anbazhagan, P (2012). "Site Characterization Using Geotechnical and Geophysical Techniques -Applicability of 30 m average concept in shallow Bedrock Region of Bangalore, India", Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 14, No 2, 91-116.
- Anbazhagan P., Amarajeevi G and Bharatha T.P. (2012). "Study of Ballast Fouling in Railway Track Formations", Indian Geotechnical Journal 42(2):87-99
- Anbazhagan P, Aditya Parihar and Rashmi. H.N. (2012). "Review of correlations between SPT N and Shear Modulus: A New Correlation Applicable to Any Region", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 36; 52-69.
- Anbazhagan P and Neaz Sheikh M. (2012). "Seismic Site Classifications and Site Amplifications for the Urban Centers in the shallow overburden deposits", International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (IJGEE), 3(1), 86-108.
- Anbazhagan P., Prabhu G., and Aditya P. (2012). "Seismic Hazard Map of Coimbatore using Subsurface Fault Rupture", Natural Hazard, 60:1325-1345.
- Anbazhagan P, Sushma Srinivas and Deepu Chandran (2012). "Classification of Road Damage due to Earthquakes", Natural Hazard, 60: 425-460.
- Anbazhagan P, and Aditya Parihar, and Rashmi H.N. (2011). "Amplification Based on Shear Wave Velocity for Seismic zonation: Comparison of Empirical Relations and Site Response Results for Shallow Engineering Bedrock Sites", Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal, Vol.3, No.3; pp 189-206.
- Anbazhagan P., Buddhima Indraratna, Amarajeevi G., (2011). "Characterization of Clean and Fouled Rail Track Ballast and Subsurface using Seismic Surface Survey Method: Model and Field Studies", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp 831-841.
- Hing-Ho Tsang, Saman Yaghmaei-Sabegh, P. Anbazhagan, M. Neaz Sheikh (2011). "A checking method for probabilistic seismic - hazard Assessment: Case Studies on Three Cities" - Natural Hazard, 58; 67-84.
- Anbazhagan, P. Lijun Su, Buddhima Indraratna, Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn, (2011). "Model Track Studies on Fouled Ballast using Ground Penetrating Radar and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave" Journal of Applied Geophysics, 74:175-184.
- Anbazhagan P., Sharan Basavaraj, and Premalatha K.V. (2011). "Liquefaction Hazard Mapping of Chennai Using SPT Data" International Journal of Earth Sciences & Engineering (ISSN 0974-5904)- Vol. 04, No. 02, pp. 223-232
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T. G. (2010). "Relationship between Low Strain Shear Modulus and Standard Penetration Test 'N' Values" ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 33 (2); 150-164.
- Anbazhagan P., Vinod, J. S. and Sitharam, T. G. (2010). "Evaluation of Seismic Hazard Parameters for Bangalore Region in South India", Disaster Advances, Vol.3 (3), pp. 5-13.
- Anbazhagan, P., Indraratna, B., Rujikiatkamjorn, C., and Su, L. (2010). "Using a Seismic Survey to Measure the Shear Modulus of Clean and Fouled Ballast," Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal, 5(2): 117-126.
- Anbazhagan, P. Thingbaijam, K.K.S., Nath, S.K., Narendara Kumar, J.N. and Sitharam, T.G (2010). "Multi-criteria seismic hazard evaluation for Bangalore city, India" Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 38: 186-198
- Vipin, K. S., Sitharam, T. G., and Anbazhagan, P (2010). "Probabilistic evaluation of seismic soil liquefaction potential based on SPT data" Nat Hazards, 53: 547-560.
- Anbazhagan P., and Sitharam, T. G. (2009). "Spatial Variability of Weathered and Engineering Bedrock using Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave Method", Pure and Applied Geophysics, 166(3): 409-428.
- Anbazhagan P., Sitharam, T.G., and Vipin, K.S. (2009). "Site classification and estimation of surface level seismic hazard using geophysical data and probabilistic approach", Journal of Applied Geophysics, 68 (2), 219-230.
- Anbazhagan P (2009). "Liquefaction Hazard Mapping of Bangalore, South India", Disaster Advances, 2(2): 26-35.
- Vipin, K.S., Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T. G. (2009). "Estimation of peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration for South India with local site effects: probabilistic approach" Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9: 865-878.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T. G., (2009). "Estimation of Ground Response Parameters and Comparison with Field Measurements", Indian Geotechnical Journal, 39(3): 245-270.
- Anbazhagan P., Vinod, J. S. and Sitharam, T. G. (2009). "Probabilistic seismic hazard Analysis for Bangalore", Natural Hazards, 48:145-166.
- Sitharam, T. G., Pijush Samui, and Anbazhagan, P. (2008). "Spatial Variability of Rock Depth in Bangalore Using Geostatistical, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Models", Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 26: 503-517.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T. G., (2008). "Mapping of Average Shear Wave Velocity for Bangalore Region: A Case Study", Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 13 (2): 69-84.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan P. (2008). "Evaluation of Low strain Dynamic properties using Geophysical method: A case study", Consulting Ahead - 2 (2): 34-50.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T. G., (2008). "Seismic Microzonation of Bangalore", Journal of Earth System Science, 117(S2): 833-852.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P., (2008). "Seismic Microzonation: Principles, Practices and Experiments", EJGE Special Volume Bouquet 08, online,, P-61.
- Anbazhagan P. and Sitharam, T. G., (2008). "Site Characterization and Site Response Studies Using Shear Wave Velocity", Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 10(2): 53-67.
- Sitharam, T. G., Anbazhagan. P and Mahesh. G. U. (2007). "3-D Subsurface Modelling and Preliminary Liquefaction Hazard Mapping of Bangalore City Using SPT Data and GIS", Indian Geotechnical Journal, 37(3): 210-226.
- Sitharam, T. G. and Anbazhagan, P., (2007). "Seismic Hazard Analysis for Bangalore Region", Natural Hazards, 40: 261-278.
- Sitharam, T. G., Anbazhagan, P. and Ganesha Raj, K., (2006).."Use of remote sensing and seismotectonic parameters for seismic hazard analysis of Bangalore", Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 6: 927-939.
Book & Book Chapters:
- Sitharam, T. G. and Anbazhagan, P. (2010). "Report on Seismic microzonation of Bangalore Urban Centre", Published by Ministry of Earthquake Sciences, New Delhi, Printed in Bangalore.
- Anbazhagan, P. Lakshmikanthan, P. Sivakumar Babu, G. L. (2017). "Dynamic Properties of Municipal Solid Waste and Amplification of Landfill Site", Chapter -5 In: Sivakumar Babu G., Reddy K., De A., Datta M. (eds) Geoenvironmental Practices and Sustainability. Developments in Geotechnical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.,
- Anbazhagan P (2018). "Subsurface Investigations- Integrated and Modern Approach", In: Krishna A., Dey A., Sreedeep S. (eds) Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies. Developments in Geotechnical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
- Anbazhagan P., Ketan Bajaj, Sayed S. R. Moustafa, and Nassir S. N. Al-Arifi (2019). "Acquisition and Analysis of Surface wave data in the Indo Gangetic Basin", . In: Wasowski J., Dijkstra T. (eds) Recent Research on Engineering Geology and Geological Engineering. GeoMEast 2018. Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Springer, Cham.
- Anbazhagan P., Joo M.R., Rashid M.M., Bajaj K.(2021). "Prediction of Future Surface PGA in the States of Indo-Gangetic Basin Considering Site Specific Studies", In: Sitharam T.G., Jakka R., Govindaraju L. (eds) Local Site Effects and Ground Failures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 117. Springer, Singapore.
- Chavan D., Sitharam T., Anbazhagan P. (2021). "Liquefaction Resistance of Desaturated and Partly Saturated Clean Sand", In: Sitharam T.G., Dinesh S.V., Jakka R. (eds) Soil Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 119. Springer, Singapore.
- Bajaj K. and Anbazhagan P.(2021). "Elastic Seismic Design Response Spectra for Deep and Shallow Basin of the Indian Subcontinent", In: Sitharam T.G., Jakka R., Govindaraju L. (eds) Local Site Effects and Ground Failures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 117. Springer, Singapore.
- Savita, SJ, P Anbazhagan, and A Pallavi (2022). "Implementation of Wavelet Algorithm and Maximum Change-Point Method for the Detection of Ballast Substructure Using GPR", In: Satyanarayana Reddy C.N.V., Muthukkumaran K., Satyam N., Vaidya R. (eds) Ground Characterization and Foundations. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 167. Springer, Singapore.
- Anbazhagan P and Ketan Bajaj (2022)"Region Specific Consideration for GMPE Development, Representative Seismic Hazard Estimation and Rock Design Spectrum for Himalayan Region", In: Sitharam, T.G., Jakka, R.S., Kolathayar, S. (eds) Advances in Earthquake Geotechnics. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
- Verma, A., Anbazhagan, P., Babitha, R. (2023)"Study of Techno-Legal Aspects of Accident Site Investigation-A Case Study from Bengaluru", In: Devi, L., Errampalli, M., Maji, A., Ramadurai, G. (eds) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India . CTRG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 273. Springer, Singapore.
- Anbazhagan, P., Das, A., Silas Abraham, G.(2023)"Regional Rupture-Based Seismic Hazard Analysis of Tripura State-NE India", In: Muthukkumaran, K., Ayothiraman, R., Kolathayar, S. (eds) Soil Dynamics, Earthquake and Computational Geotechnical Engineering. IGC 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 300. Springer, Singapore.
- Kumar, A., Panjamani, A., Kumar, R., Lenin, K.R. (2023)"Study of Shallow Soil Deposit in East Coast of India by SPT, MASW, and Crosshole Tests. ", In: Muthukkumaran, K., Ayothiraman, R., Kolathayar, S. (eds) Soil Dynamics, Earthquake and Computational Geotechnical Engineering. IGC 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 300. Springer, Singapore.
- Anbazhagan, P., Bajaj, K., Shimna, M.(2023)"Smoothed and Normalized Design Spectrum for Indian Rock Sites. In: Jakka, R.S., Singh, Y., Sitharam, T.G., Maheshwari, B.K. (eds) Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation . Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
- Verma, A., Anbazhagan, P., Mayakuntla, S.K., Bhat, F.A. 2023)" Assessing the Impact of Underground Utility Works on Road Traffic and Users: A Study from an Indian City.In: Agarwal, A., Velmurugan, S., Maurya, A.K. (eds) Recent Trends in Transportation Infrastructure, Volume 2. TIPCE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 347. Springer, Singapore.
- Anbazhagan P (2009). WINTER Lectures, CD Proceedings, Published by Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- Anbazhagan P (2008). WINTER Lectures, CD Proceedings, Published by Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- Sitharam, T. G., Sivakumar Babu, G.L and Anbazhagan, P (2008). "Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2008. Volume 2. Published by Indian Geotechnical Society, Printed in Bangalore
News Letters/Newspapers interviews
- Vasudevan Mukunth (2023) -The Hindu Premium Science Article "Can a low-cost paper microscope find wider use in research?" March 04, 2023 10:30 am | Updated 10:30 am IST - Chennai
- "Kumar Pitchumani K and Premalatha K (2019) "SPT - Hammer Energy Measurement Apparatus (HEMA) - A Step Forward to Improve Geotechnical Investigation Practice" Indian Geotechnical Society, News Letter, Page 3, Vol. 51 (02) April-June 2019 & CORRIGENDUM - Page 10, Vol. 51 (03) July-Sep 2019.
- "IISc to volunteer support to Tripura to meet quake eventuality (2017)" United News of India, 22 December 2017,
- "From gravel below the tracks, reading the signs of derailment risk (2017)" The Indian Express, 25 Monday September 2017,
- "Technology-SRM to Quake Proof Buildings" (2017), TA News Bureau, Tyre Asia April/May 2017, PP 64-70. (
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Nearest earthquake zone just 100 km from Bengaluru: Study, Article The Economic Times (Times of India)News letter, April 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Study Marks Out Earthquake Zones, Article The New Indian ExpressNews letter, April 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Nearest earthquake zone just 100 km from Bengaluru, Article mynews.inNews letter, April 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre crumb-sand mixture can protect building from quake: Study, Article Zee NewsNews letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre crumb-sand mixture can protect building from quake: Study, Article India Today,News letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre crumb-sand mixture can protect building from quake: Study, Article Bharat PressNews letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre crumb can protect a building from earthquake: Study, Article ET News letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Discarded tyres to battle earthquakes: Study, Bangalore Mirror News letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre crumb mixture protects against earthquakes: Study, Rubber Journal Asia, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) IISc out with 'Safe' South India's seismic intensity map for earthquakes in the future: Study, Bangalore Mirror News letter, March 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre-sand combo ideal to withstand tremors: IISc: Study, The Times of IndiaNews letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre Crumb-sand Mixture can Protect Building From Quake: Study, The New Indian Express, News letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre crumb-sand mixture can protect building from quake: Study, Business Standard News letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre Crumb Mixture ProtectsAgainst Earthquakes: Study, Rubber Research Institute of Thailand, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2015) Tyre Crumb-sand Mixture can Protect Building From Quake: Study, ChennaionlineinNewsNews letter, September 2015;
- Anbazhagan P. (2011) Budding scientists will find refuge at Bangalore's Indian Institute of Science this summer, DNAIndia News letter, February 2011;
- Anbazhagan P. (2009) "Seismic Microzonation of Bangalore, Educational Resources, Site Response Analysis, GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING PORTAL,
- Anbazhagan, P and Sitharam, T. G., (2008) SPT -N versus shear wave velocity correlation, IGS News, Technical News, A Bulletin of the Indian Geotechnical Society, Vol.40, N0.2, page 7.
- Sitharam T.G, Anbazhagan P and Narendra Kumar J.N (2007) Seismic Hazard and Microzonation Studies using Geographic Information System - A Case Study of Bangalore, Article, KGUG News letter, Sept-2007, P-6.
International Conferences:
- Laxman S., A. Kumar and Anbazhagan. P 2024)"Comprehensive Geophysical Assessment of Complex Geological Terrain in Kadapa Basin, India"In 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization: ISC2024. URL
- Kumar A., Anbazhagan P(2023). "Integration of Downhole Data Reduction Techniques for Determination of Vs Profiles"In: 2023 Geo-Congress: Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions from the Ground Up - Geotechnical Characterization, 26 - 29 March 2023, Los Angeles, 44 - 51.Doi:
- Kumar A., Anbazhagan P, and Yadhunandan ME(2021). "Influence of Hammer Energy Correction on SPT Correlations and Interpretation." Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, 29-31 March 2023, at Lisbon, Portugal. Paper ID: ICGRE 160.DoI:
- Anbazhagan P, Ayush K, Sagar I, Kamalhassan and Lenin K R (2021). "Shear Wave Velocity measurement from different approaches and its effects on seismic site classification" Online Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization "Toward synergy at site characterisation" September 26-29, 2021 at Budapest, Hungary. Paper ID: ISC2020-207
- Kunjari Mog and Anbazhagan P. (2019). "Liquefaction and re-liquefaction potential of the Manu river sand of Tripura, India" Proceedings of International Conference on Case Histories & Soil Properties (ICCS 2019). 5 - 6 December 2019, Singapore. Paper ID: ICCS171.
- Anbazhagan P. and Katan B (2019). "New acceleration design response spectra for deep and shallow sites - Application to India" Proceedings of 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (16ARC) October 14-18 Taipei, Twaiwan, Paper ID: SF05-03-006_IGS-036, P-4.
- Bernal-Sanchez J.; J. McDougall, D. Barreto, A. Marinelli, V. Dimitriadi, P. Anbazhagan and M. Miranda (2019). "Experimental assessment of stiffness and damping in rubber-sand mixtures at various strain levels" Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions - Silvestri & Moraci (Eds) © Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, Rome, Italy, ISBN 978-0-367-14328-2, PP 1403-1410
- Katan B and Anbazhagan P. (2019). "Development of smooth surface response spectra for the Intra and Inter plate region of India" Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions - Silvestri & Moraci (Eds) © Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, Rome, Italy, ISBN 978-0-367-14328-2, PP 1265-1272
- Katan B and Anbazhagan P. (2017). "Ground motion site amplification factors for deep soil deposits sites in Indo- Gangetic Basin", Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III) in Vancouver, BC, Canada, from July 16-19, 2017, Paper ID:121, P-8.
- Vidyaranya B, Anbazhagan P, Divyesh R and Athul P (2016). "Identification of Heterogeneities in Lateritic Soils" Proceddings of Fifth International Conference on FORENSIC GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, 8-10 December, 2016 at Bengaluru, India, PP 279-287.
- Anbazhagan, P., and D. R. Manohar (2016). "Small-to Large-Strain Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio of Sand-tyre Crumb Mixtures." Geo-Chicago 2016, August 14 to 18, Chicago: 305-315.
- Anbazhagan P. and Aditya Parihar (2015). "Selection of Modulus and Damping Curves for Site Response Study" The 6th International Geotechnical Symposium on Disaster Mitigation in Special Geoenvironmental Conditions Chennai, India, January 21 -23, 2015, PP -161-164.
- Anbazhagan.P, Manohar.D.R and Divyesh Rohit (2015). "Low Cost Damping Scheme for Low to Medium Rise Buildings Using Rubber Soil Mixtures", Proceedings of Second Japan-India Workshop in Geotechnical Engineering - Geotechnics for Resilient Infrastructure , Fukuoka University, Fukuoka Japan. Page 23-27.
- Anbazhagan P and Murali Krishna A (2015) "Forensic investigation of earthquake induced failures during Sikkim 2011 earthquake, India" Proceedings of 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Fukuoka, Japan, Paper ID: IND-19, Abstract Page 516.
- Manohar.D.R., Anbazhagan.P., Neaz Sheikh.M., Hing-Ho Tsang. (2014) "Effects of geosynthetic reinforcement on the mechanical behaviour of composite materials for vibration isolation", Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23) Byron Bay, Australia, 9-12 December 2014, Edited by S.T. Smith, Published by Southern Cross University, Vol. I, PP; 217-222.
- Anbazhagan.P., Nairwita Dutta., Ketan Bajaj., Sayed SR Moustafa., Nassir S.N Al-Arifi.(2014) "Earthquake maximum magnitude estimation considering regional seismotectonic parameters" Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23) Byron Bay, Australia, 9-12 December 2014, Edited by S.T. Smith, Published by Southern Cross University, Volume-II, PP; 979-984.
- Anbazhagan.P.,Manish.S.,Thomas.J.V.,Arunachalam.A.,Dinesh.S.V.(2014) "Seismic vulnerability assessment using satellite data", Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23) Byron Bay, Australia, 9-12 December 2014, Edited by S.T. Smith, Published by Southern Cross University, Volume-II, PP; 985-990.
- Deepu Chandran., Anbazhagan.P., Yuan Quan., H Md Abdul Kadar Prabhu.(2014) "Integrated site investigation of shallow bedrock sites for seismic site response study" Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23) Byron Bay, Australia, 9-12 December 2014, Edited by S.T. Smith, Published by Southern Cross University, Volume-II, PP;1249-1254.
- Anbazhagan P., Manohar D.R. and Sheikh N.D (2014) "Response Surface Analysis for Engineering Behavior of Sand-Tire Crumb Mixtures", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (ICITG 2014), Durham, UK, 21-22 July 2014, 260-265.
- Anbazhagan P., Deepu Chandran and Shashank Burman (2014) "Subsurface Imaging and Interpretation using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)" Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (ICITG 2014), Durham, UK, 21-22 July 2014, 254-259.
- Neaz M.S, Tsang H.H, Saman Y. S, and Anbazhagan P. "Evaluation of Damping Modification Factors for Seismic Response Spectra" Proceeding of Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2013 Conference, Nov 15-17, Hobart, Tasmania. Paper ID 44, Page 37-50.
- Anbazhagan P, Sreenivas M, Abhishek Kumar and Sindhura R (2013) "Suitable Seismic Hazard Map for Geotechnical Seismic Microzonation, CD Proceedings of International conference of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, June 17 to 19, Istanbul paper ID 186.
- Anbazhagan P., Sreenivas M and Anusha C S (2012) " Geotechnical and Geophysical Testing for Seismic Re-Qualification of Geotechnical Structures" Proceedings of UKIERI International Workshop on Seismic Requalification of Geotechnical Structures (SRGS) 17th December 2012, Delhi. P-15.
- Anbazhagan P. and Manohar D.R. (2012) " Energy Absorption Capacity Of Waster Tire Crumb And Sand Mixtures For Seismic Isolation" Proceedings of 5th International Congress of Environmental Research (ICER-12), 22-24 November, 2012, University of Malaysia Terengganu ,Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. T-206
- Anbazhagan P, Deepu Chandran and Shashank Burman (2012) "Investigation of Soil Compaction Homogeneity in the Finished Building Using Ground Penetrating Radar" ASCE Proceedings of Forensic Engineering, ASCE Publications, 773-782
- Abhishek Kumar, Anbazhagan P and Sitharam T.G. (2012) "Site Specific Ground Response Study of Deep Indo-Gangetic Basin Using Representative Regional Ground Motions" GeoCongress 2012 ASCE 2012, 1888-1897.
- Anbazhagan, P., Deepu Chandran, Aditya Parihar and M. Rajkumar Singh (2011) "Subsurface Characterization Using Seismic and Ground Penetrating Radar - Compare with In-Situ Sampling" Geotec Hanoi 2011- ISBN 978 - 604 - 82 - 000 - 8
- Anbazhagan P., Mamatha M., Soumyashree P., Sushyam N., Bharatha T.P. and Vivekan and R.W. (2011) "Laboratory Characterization of Tire Crumbs Soil Mixture for Developing Low Cost Damping Materials" International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904, Vol.04, No. 06, pp. 63-66
- Anbazhagan P. and Rashmi H N (2011) "Characterization of Rail Track Ballast Bed and Subsurface using Seismic Refraction Survey" Geotechnical Special Publication No. 215 ASCE 2011 57-65.
- Anbazhagan P., Tsang H.H. and Mamatha M. (2011) "Earthquake Hazard Mitigation by Utilizing Waste Tires" Proceeding of International Conference on Recent Innovations in Technology ICRIT 2011, 10th-12th February 2011 RIT Kottayam, Kerala, India,pp 59-64
- Anbazhagan P., Deepu Chandran., Kumar.V (2011) "Thickness Evaluation for Flexible Pavement Using Ground Penetrating Radar" Proceeding of International Conference on Recent Innovations in Technology ICRIT 2011, 10th -12th February 2011 RIT Kottayam, Kerala, India , PP 65-71
- Anbazhagan P., (2010) "Seismic Vulnerability of Transport Network and new Intensity Scale for Road Damage". Presented in Video Conference, Conference on Infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning (CISTUP@CiSTUP 2010) on October 18-20, 2010 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
- Anbazhagan P., and Tsang H.H. (2010) "Earthquake Hazard Mitigation By Utilizing Waste Tires" Presented in Conference on Infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning (CISTUP@CiSTUP 2010) on October 18-20, 2010 at Bangalore, India, Paper ID I023.
- Anbazhagan P., Gajawada, P., and Adithya P. (2010) "Seismic Zonation and Geotechnical Provisions in Indian Seismic Design Code IS-1893" CD Proceedings of Conference on Infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning (CISTUP@CiSTUP 2010) on October 18-20, Bangalore, India., Paper ID I007, P-8
- Anbazhagan P and Sushma Srinivas (2010) "New Intensity Scale for Road Damage due to Earthquake for Estimate Seismic Vulnerability of Roads" HAZUSMH, 4th Annual Conference, Organized by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), USA, August 23-25, 2010, Indian polis, US.
- Anbazhagan P, Parihar Aditya, H. N. Rashmi, P. Gajawada (2010) "Site Classification Practice In Shallow Bedrock Regions In Asia: Comparison Of Response Spectrum," Proceedings of 14'th European conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Macedonia, Paper ID-1282: P-8.
- Sitharam, T. G. , Anbazhagan, P., and Vipin, K. S. (2010) "Principles and Practices of Seismic Microzonation: Case Studies in India" Other Special Presentations, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California, Other special presentation OPS-10, P-16.
- Anbazhagan, P. Sitharam, T.G., Aditya P. (2010), "Correlation between Low Strain Shear Modulus and Standard Penetration Test "N" Values" Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California, Paper No. 1.13b:P-10
- Anbazhagan, P., Abhishek Kumar and Sitharam, T.G. (2010) "Site Response Deep Sites in Indo-Gangetic Plain for Different Historic Earthquakes" Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California, Paper No. 3.21b: P-12.
- Tsang, H.H., Saman Y.S., Anbazhagan, P., Neaz M. S, Sitharam, T.G., Vinod. J. S., (2010) "An Alternative Method for Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Assessment: A Case Study of Three Cities" Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California, Paper No. 6.07b: P-10.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T.G. (2010) "Seismic Site Classification Using Boreholes and Shear Wave Velocity: Assessing the Suitable Method for Shallow Engineering Rock Region" GeoFlorida 2010, Proceedings of ASCE, Florida, US, 1059-1068.
- Anbazhagan, P, Neaz Sheikh and Hing-Ho Tsang (2010), "Seismic Site Classification Practice In Australia, China and India: Suitability" proceedings of International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Management (IMMM2010), Kerala, India, Vol,1, pp 189-197.
- Anbazhagan, P. (2009). "Site Characterization Using Geotechnical and Geophysical Techniques and Applicability of 30m Average Concept," Proceedings of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Satellite Conference XVIIth International Conference on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, Paper ID 51, P-14.
- Anbazhagan, P., Sharan Basavaraj, K.V. Premalatha and Sitharam, T.G. (2009), "Liquefaction Hazard Mapping of Chennai Using SPT Data" Proceedings of International Conference on Infrastructure Development on Expansive Soils, Index-09, PP 247-256.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T.G. (2008), "Application of Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave survey in Geotechnical Engineering problems," Proceedings of 6th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, pp 291-300.
- Narendara Kumar, J.N., Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T.G. (2008) "GIS Integration for Microzonation Hazard Mapping -A Case Study of Bangalore City, India", Map Asia 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, P-136, 1-10.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P. (2008), "Site Characterization Using Geotechnical and Geophysical Techniques for Seismic Microzonation of Urban Areas", Key note Lectures, International Conference "Development of Urban Areas and Geotechnical Engineering" on June 16-19, 2008 in Saint Petersburg, Vol 1, pp 131-147.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T.G. (2008), "Site Characterization of Bangalore using Geophysical Method", 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization, Taipei, Taiwan, 4-7April 2008, pp 793-798.
- Anbazhagan, P., Sitharam, T.G. and C.Divya, (2007) "Site Response Analyses based on Site Specific Soil Properties using Geotechnical and Geophysical tests: Correlations between Vs30, Gmax and N60", 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, GREECE. P ID-1286.
- Anbazhagan, P., Sitharam, T.G. G.L. Sivakumar Babu and Moore Ramulu (2007), "Evaluation of Response of Motion Simulator Foundations and Vibration Sensitivity Analysis for a Passive Source" Sixth International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, (ERES 2007), 11 - 13 June, 2007, Bologna, Italy p-6.
- Anbazhagan, P., and Sitharam T.G., (2007), "Microzonation Studies in India: Experiments and Experiences", Special Invited Speech, Proceeding the 4th International Conference on Disaster prevention and Rehabilitation, Semarang-Central Java-Indonesia, 10-11 September 2007, pp 35-51.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P. (2007), "Seismic hazard analysis with site effects for Bangalore", Invited Key note Paper, 13th Asian Regional Conference on. Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical. Engineering (13th ARC-2007). Kolkata. December 10-14, 2007, India, P-17.
- Sitharam T.G and Anbazhagan P, (2007), "Seismic Site Characterization Using Geotechnical and Geophysical Techniques", Invited lecture, International Workshop on Earthquake Hazards and Mitigations (EHAM-2007), 7-8 December, 2007 Guwahati, India, pp 85-87.
- Anbazhagan P. (2007), "Seismic Hazard and Microzonation Methodology for Flat Terrain", International Workshop on Earthquake Hazards, and Mitigations (EHAM-2007), 7-8 December, 2007 Guwahati, India PP 228-234.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T.G. (2006), "Evaluations of Dynamic Properties and Ground Profiling Using MASW: Correlation between Vs and N60", 13th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee, India, PP 390-400.
- Sudhish Kumar., Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P. (2006), "Development of Theoretical Dispersion curves and Comparison with Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)," 13th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee, India, PP 359-368.
- Sitharam, T.G., Anbazhagan, P. and K. Ganesha Raj (2006), "Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis and Estimation of PHA for Bangalore City", International Conference on Earthquake Engineering -8&9 Sep-2006, Pakistan, (1-8).
- Anbazhagan, P., Sitharam, T.G. and C. Divya (2006), "Site Response Analyses Based on Site Specific Soil Properties Using Geotechnical and Geophysical Tests", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology -Geneva -extended abstract.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P. (2006), "Seismic Vulnerability of Bangalore City", Invited Paper, Indo-Norwegian Workshop at New Delhi 18&19, March 2006, SHRA-12, PP 1-9.
- Premalatha, K. and Anbazhagan. P, (2004), "Microzonation of Liquefaction and Amplification Potential of Chennai City," International Workshop on Risk Assessment in Site Characterization and Geotechnical Design, Bangalore, INDIA. GEORISK-2004, November 26, 27. PP 249-255.
National Conferences:
- Mog K and Anbazhagan P (2018) "Small Strain Dynamic Properties of Naturally Deposited Silty Soils" Proceedings of the CIndian Geotechnical Conference-2018, 13 - 15 December, Bangalore, India.
- Mog K and Anbazhagan P (2018) "Damping measurement in resonant column using SSV and FVD" Proceedings of the Conference on NEXT FRONTIERS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure NFiCE2018, IIT Bombay, Paper ID: DJCE157, P69-70.
- Ingale S and Anbazhagan P SPT Hammer Energy Measurement Apparatus for N - corrections" Proceedings of the Conference on NEXT FRONTIERS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure NFiCE2018, IIT Bombay, Paper ID: DJCE152, P65-66
- Anbazhagan P (2017) "Subsurface Investigation - Integrated and Modern Approach" Sub Theme Lecture "Proceedings of IGC-2017 GeoNEast, 14-16 Dec 2017, Guwahati, India, Paper ID-S1, P-13.
- Anbazhagan P, and Ketan B (2017) "Site Response Study of A Deep Basin Contagious to Active Region- An Application to Punjab-Haryana Region" Proceedings of IGC-2017 GeoNEast, 14-16 Dec 2017, Guwahati, India, pp. Th12_576,4.
- Anbazhagan P, Ayush Agrawa, and D Prakash (2016) "Effect of Energy Efficiency of Hammer on Liquefaction Potential of Soil", Proceedings of IGC-2016, 15-17 Dec 2016, Chennai, India, pp. Paper ID 179, P-4.
- Anbazhagan. P, Divyesh Rohit and Athul Prabhakaran (2016) "Investigations of Existing Dam using Integrated Geotechnical and Geophysical Methods", Proceedings of DRIP 2nd National Dam Safety Conference, 12-13 January 2016, Bangalore, 165-170.
- Anbazhagan P, Athul Prabhakaran and Ketan Bajaj (2016) "Site Specific Seismic Hazard Assessment of the TG Halli Dam" CD Proceedings of DRIP 2nd National Dam Safety Conference, 12-13 January 2016, Bangalore TS2-4
- Ketan Bajaj and Anbazhagan, P. (2015) Region specific maximum magnitude estimation considering the new correlation between rupture length and moment magnitude, Proceedings of 5th Young Indian Geotechnical Engineers Conference 2015March 14-15, 2015, Vadodara, India, PP 149-150.
- Anbazhagan, P., Ketan Bajaj, and Patel, S. (2014) Seismic hazard analysis of Patna considering region specific seismotectonic parameters. Proceedings of IGC-2014, 18-20 Dec 2014, Kakinada, India, pp. 421-430.
- Manohar, D.R. and Anbazhagan, P (2014) Energy absorption capacity of geosynthetic reinforced sand-tire crumb mixtures. Proceedings of IGC-2014, 18-20 Dec 2014, Kakinada, India, pp. 484-493
- Anbazhagan P, Ashwini P R and Dr. Kiran Kamath (2014) " An Empirical Model for the Prediction of Significant Duration in India" Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Innovations and Developments in Civil Engineering, ACIDIC-2014NITK, Surathkal, India. 19-20 May, pp-699-706.
- Anbazhagan P (2014) " Methodology for Seismic Microzonation - Case study of Bangalore" Abstract Volume (AES 2014), 3rd Annual Convention on Advances in Earthquake Science and 4-6 January 2014, Gujarat, India , pp-82-84.
- Anbazhagan P., Ketan Bajaj, Nairwita Dutta (2014) "Region Specific Seismic Hazard Analysis" Abstract Volume (AES 2014), 3rd Annual Convention on Advances in Earthquake Science and 4-6 January 2014, Gujarat, India pp-29.
- Anbazhagan P., Adithya P and Dr. Abhishek Kumar (2014) " Indian Seismic Microzonation Practices and Research Challenges" Abstract Volume (AES 2014)- Key Note on Seismic Microzonation Session 3: Methodologies on Seismic Microzonation and Implication for Policy, 3rd Annual Convention on Advances in Earthquake Science and 4-6 January 2014, Gujarat, India pp-90-93.
- Anbazhagan P, Nairwita Dutta and Ketan Bajaj (2013) " Seismic Hazard Analysis, Site Classification and Site Response - Practice, Problems and Prospect" Published in C D proceedings on Earthquake Resistant Design of Foundation, UVCE, Bangalore University, Bangalore P-10.
- Sitharam T.G, Abhishek Kumar and Anbazhagan P, (2013) "Comprehensive Seismic Microzonation of Lucknow City with Detailed Geotechnical and Deep Site Response Studies" Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference-2013, December 22-24,2013, Roorkee (inprint)
- Panneer Selvam L, Anbazhagan, P., Sreenivas, M. Akshath H K., Peter, J (2013) " Indigenous SPT -Hammer Energy Measurement Apparatus and Preliminary Studies" Proceedings of fourth Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (4IYGEC), 261-264, May 2013
- Anbazhagan P., D. R. Manohar, and Aditya Parihar (2012) " Role of Shear Modulus Correlation on Site Response Study" Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2012), December 13-15, Delhi, Indian, Vol.II, PP. 1025-1028.
- Anbazhagan P and Abhishek Kumar (2012) "Indian Seismic Zonation Map - Past, Present and Future" Proceedings of CESAR-II-October 2012, CD - Guest Lecture Extended Abstract.
- Anbazhagan P., Bharatha T. P., and G. Amarajeevi, (2011) "Characterization of Clean And Fouled Rail Track Ballast - Model And Field Studies" Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2011), December 15-17, Kochi, Indian, Vol.1,PP. 109-112
- Anbazhagan P., Prabhu G, and Smitha C.V, (2011) "Rupture Based Seismic Hazard Analysis for Future Seismic Zonation- A Case Study of Coimbatore" Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2011), December 15-17, Kochi, Indian, Vol. 1, PP. 289-292.
- Anbazhagan P., Abhishek Kumar and Sitharam T G (2011) "Amplification from Isoseismal Map and Site Response Analysis" Proceedings of Third Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (3IYGEC), 25-26, March 2011, CRRI, New Delhi.PP 311-316
- Anbazhagan P., Deepu Chandran., Kumar.V (2011) "Pavement Thickness and Stiffness Evaluation Using Ground Penetrating Radar and Surface Wave Method" Proceedings of Third Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (3IYGEC), 25-26, March 2011, CRRI, New Delhi.PP 323-328
- Anbazhagan, P., Giridhar, V.T., Ganesha Raj K. and Shreedhara V., (2010) "Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Using High Resolution Satellite Data and Field Studies" Proceedings of 14th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering and Golden Jubilee Celebrations,(December 17-19, 2010), Roorkee, INDIA, Vol.1, 267-276.
- Anbazhagan, P (2010) "Deterministic and Probabilistic Seismic Microzonation - Geotechnical Issues" Proceedings of 14th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering and Golden Jubilee Celebrations, (December 17-19, 2010), Roorkee, INDIA, Vol.1, 679-690.
- Kumar, Abhishek., Anbazhagan, P. Sitharam, T.G. (2010) "Shear Wave Velocity Profiling for Lucknow Urban Centre Using Seismic Refraction Survey" Proceeding Indian Geotechnical Conference - 2010, GEOtrendz December 16-18, 2010, Mumbai, Indian Vol.1, pp 167-170.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Parihar, A. (2010) "Seismic Site Characterization in India and Rock Depth Issues" Proceeding Indian Geotechnical Conference - 2010, GEOtrendz December 16-18, 2010, Mumbai, Indian Vol.1, pp 155-158.
- Rajiv Kumar Giri and Anbazhagan, P. (2008), "Comparison of Site Amplification Based On Impedance And Wave Velocity Models," Indian geotechnical Conference (IGC 2008), 17-19 December 2008, Bangalore, pp 547-550.
- Vipin, K.S Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T.G. (2008), "Identification of Liquefaction Susceptible Areas in Bangalore using a probabilistic approach Based on SPT data" Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC 2008), 17-19 December 2008, Bangalore, pp 444-447.
- Anbazhagan, P., Narendara Kumar J.N, and Sitharam T.G. (2008), " Seismic Hazard and Microzonation Studies using Geographic Information System - A Case Study of Bangalore city", CD proceedings, Ninth ESRI India User Conference, 22-23 January 2008, 6P.
- Sitharam, T.G., K. Ganesha Raj, K. S. Vipin and Anbazhagan, P. (2008), "Use of Remote Sensing Data and Past Earthquake Events for Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Bangalore" Proceedings of the 24th Annual In-house Symposium on Space Science and Technology, 30-31 January2008, IISc, Bangalore, PP 119-124.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P., (2007), "Microzonation of Earthquake Hazard:Indian Experiences", Invited Key note Lecture, Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering (ETCE-2007), Maralur, Tumkur, India.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P., (2007), "Seismic Microzonation of Bangalore", Proceedings of Workshop on Microzonation, IISc, Bangalore, PP 44-75.
- Anbazhagan, P., Vinod, J. S. and Sitharam, T. G. (2007), "Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis with Local Site Effects", Proceedings of Workshop on Microzonation, IISc, Bangalore, PP 122-139.
- Sitharam, T.G., K. Ganesha Raj, Anbazhagan, P. and U.G.Mahesh (2007), "Use of Remote Sensing Data and Past Earthquake Events for Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Bangalore" Conference on Advances in Space Science and Technology (CASST2007), 29-31 January2007, IISc, Bangalore, PP 290-297.
- Sitharam, T.G. Anbazhagan, P. and L. Govinda Raju (2006) "Seismic Response of Soils and a Case Study of Site Specific Ground Response Analysis" Invited Paper, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2006, Chennai, PP 209-216.
- Anbazhagan, P., Sitharam, T.G. and C. Divya, (2006), "Site Amplification and Liquefaction Studies for Bangalore", Indian Geotechnical Conference 2006, Chennai, PP 823-826.
- Sitharam, T.G., Anbazhagan, P. and Kusala Rajendran, (2006), "Assessing the Seismic Hazard of the Stable Shield regions: An example of Bangalore", extended abstract, First India Disaster Management Congress -Thematic Group on Earthquakes, Delhi.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P. (2006) "Measurements of Dynamic Properties and Soil Profiling Using Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves", Invited Keynote in 4th Karl Terzaghi Memorial Workshops, October07, 2006 at Madgaon, Goa.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P. (2006), "Seismicity of Peninsular India and A Case Study of Microzonation and Site Response for Bangalore" Invited Technical Lecture on Students Project Programme (SPP), Karnataka State council of Science and Technology, Gulbarga.
- Sitharam, T.G. and Anbazhagan, P. (2006), "Seismic Hazard Analysis and Preliminary Microzonation of Bangalore City," Key Note Lecture, workshop on Disaster Management and Mitigations, BMS Bangalore, 3Feb-2006, PP 1-8.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Sitharam, T.G. (2006), "Seismic Microzonation of Urban Centres and Codal Provisions" Lecture "Design and Construction of Earthquake Resistant Structures" ON 15th & 16th September 2006, INSTRUCT, Bangalore, PP F1-6.
- Sitharam, T.G., Anbazhagan, P., G.U.Mahesh, K.Bharathi and P.Nischala Reddy (2005), "Seismic Hazard Studies Using Geotechnical Borehole Data and GIS", Symposium on Seismic Hazard Analysis and Microzonation, September 23-24, 2005, Roorkee. PP 341-358.
- Anbazhagan, P. and K. Premalatha (2004), "Microzonation of Liquefaction Factor of Safety of Chennai City" Indian Geotechnical Conference 2004, PP 227-230.